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Beginner Ranged Weapon
Requirements - Macuahuiti (Light) Bardiche (Heavy)
Price - $3,250
Damage Dealt - 30 (Body) 45(?)(Head)
Reload Time - 0.8 Seconds
Spread - 0.35 --> 0.35
Walkspeed Multiplier - 0.925
Stamina Penalty - 40
Weapon Trivia
- The Longbow is actually a short bow, with the Heavy Bow counterpart being a longbow.
- Before the animations were updated you originally spun your bow around your wrist as you drew the bow.
- The Longbow is the fastest shooting ranged weapon that is accessible to players (excluding items)
- The Longbow deals the least amount of damage upon a body shot out of all the three ranged weapons, requiring 4 consecutive shots to kill a person at max hp

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